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DPRK’s Legal Requirement for Free Education

    The DPRK law on common education was adopted on January 19, 2011. It stipulates principled requirements arising in enforcing the universal free education at the state expense.

    These requirements are largely divided into three ways. First requirement is to comprehend the children at school age and make them educated

    In the DPRK every citizen has the right to general secondary education and the state gives compulsory education to citizen of school age.

    General secondary compulsory education system is 12 years—one year of preschool education, five years of primary school, three years of junior middle school and three years of senior middle school. In case a child has extraordinary aptitude and talent he can receive advanced education irrespective of his age or school year. Local people’s committee and relevant organ must make an annual comprehension of all school-aged children and educate them.

    Second requirement is that the state covers education expenses and provides education and living conditions for the helpless pupils and pupils with disabilities.

    All expenses related to admission, class, practice, and study tour of pupils are covered by the state and the pupil chosen by the blind school, the deaf-and-dumb school, middle school No.1 and other schools receives scholarship. The state takes responsible care of education and life of those without parents or patrons and those with disabilities like the blind, deaf and dumb children.

    Third requirement is to maintain good production and supply of textbooks and educational equipment and materials necessary for schooling.

    Central educational guidance institutions and relevant organs must publish necessary reference books, textbooks, books for outside reading and the like before new school year begins. Relevant organs, enterprises, and organizations must produce and supply educational equipment and materials, experimental equipment, teaching aids and furnishings in a planned way.