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Plans for Preventing Sea Pollution and Survey of Sea Environment in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

    At present, the sea covering 70% of the surface on the earth is being seriously polluted due to different factors and the sea pollution presents as an important issue of all the environmental pollution on the earth.

    The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea conducts regular survey of the sea environment while working out detailed plans for preventing the sea pollution in order to protect the quality of seawater and the sea ecosystem and prevent the sea pollution beforehand.

    National and regional plans and relevant organs’, enterprises’ and organizations’ plans for preventing the sea pollution are drawn up and carried through and they are examined and approved by the Cabinet and a leading organ for the prevention of the land and environment.

    For the survey of the sea environment, the organ for the prevention of the land and environment regularly conducts the survey of quality of water in the special conservancy waters and the waters capable of occurring the sea pollution, and the scientific research institutions carry out detailed survey of the sea animals and plants. On the basis of survey results, they take regular measurement of the sea pollution in accordance with the standard appraising the sea pollution and take measures for removing the pollution.

    Besides, the organ for the prevention of the land and environment and relevant organs allot the districts for coastal management for the prevention of the sea pollution to organs, enterprises and organizations on the coastline so as to prevent the vitiation and pollution of the sea environment.