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DPRK Ensures Rights to Life

    The DPRK places it above others to secure all citizens’ right to life and pays deep attention to protection of their life.

    Life and health of citizens are most highly valued and any act of violating them is never tolerated in the DPRK. Man’s life is fully protected from arbitrary arrest and execution by state institutions or groups and individuals as well as from diseases and natural disasters.

    In case of depriving the other of physical life illegally, it is regarded as a murder and heavy penalty is imposed according to the constitution and the relevant criminal laws.

    In case of giving arbitrary wound which endangers one’s life, making one suffer from malfunction of eye, ear and other organs, leaving ugly scars on one’s face, causing mental disease and reducing one’s working ability, it is regarded as the act of having endangered life of human and responsibility is imposed.

    Preventive medicines are developed and produced at the state expense in order to prevent infectious diseases injury caused by the diseases and active measures are taken to reduce casualties caused by natural disasters.

    The public health service is being developed to protect the life of man, the most valuable being in the world, and fulfill an age-old desire of the people for long life in good health.

    Citizens are provided with cultural and hygienic environment and working conditions by thoroughly implementing demands of relevant laws of environmental protection, thus making the working people provided fully with right to life.

    Legal control is being strengthened to make all institutions, enterprises and organizations conduct production and construction in clean environment after taking antipollution measures and steadily put the material and technical means for environmental protection on a modern basis.