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Kim Jong Il Is Great Benefactor Who Added Luster to National Tradition

    Carrying national tradition forward in the right course is of great importance in preserving national character peculiar to the people in each country.

    Kim Jong Il who was possessed of noble love for the nation paid deep attention to the national tradition.

    Kim Jong Il made measures that the people celebrate the folk holidays on a large scale thus adding luster to the national tradition.

    When they celebrate the lunar New Year’s Day, all the people ranging from the old to the children spend pleasant time while playing folk games including the Korean chess, Yut game, kite-flying, shuttlecock game, etc.

    Celebration of the lunar New Year’s Day carries the moving story.

    One day, Kim Jong Il said meaningfully that he loved the his nation most and remarkably treasured the love for the nation.

    Early in January, 2003, he ensured that the lunar New Year’s Day was splendidly celebrated to be a traditional holiday and in the Korean way as the Korean people’s national tradition is based on the national identity.

    In addition, thanks to his meticulous guidance, the Korean people enjoy Jongwoldaeborum(lunar January 15,) Chusok(lunar August 15,) etc. as the big holidays.

    He also took measure that the historic sites and cultural relics are preserved and kept well, thus adding luster to the tradition of the nation.

    Ryonghung Temple, which locates on Mt. Paekun in Ponghung-ri, Yonggwang County, South Hamgyong Province, is one of them demonstrating high architecture and distinguished artistic talent of the Korean ancestors as it is the old building erected over 1 000 years ago.

    In May one year when he came to the temple Kim Jong Il looked round every part of it. Saying that the historic sites and cultural relics are the precious cultural treasure of the country, he stressed that superior national cultural heritages should be well preserved so as to stir up the people’s pride and self-confidence of being the Korean nation.

    He took measures that all the historic sites and cultural relics including the three tombs of Kangso, Fort on Mt. Taesong and the Songbul Temple in Mt. Jongbang as well as the Ryonghung Temple are well preserved and kept, and thus adding the national pride and patriotism of the people.

    He saw to it that the folk dance and national foods are developed actively so that the folk tradition can be succeeded continuously.

    He made sure that the folk dance including the Pongsan mask dance and the Janggo dance were further developed in accordance with the reality.

    He saw to it that not only the folk dance but also the national foods are developed.

    One year when he visited the national food show, he earnestly said that, all superior folk foods, created by the ancestors, should be found out in his generation and develop them in keeping with the aesthetic tastes of the times so as to make the fragrance of the nation pervaded in all parts of the country.

    He saw to it that the cooking competitions including that of local specialty in each province were organized to further develop the national foods.

    Realities in the DPRK where cultural heritages of the national are being positively preserved and kept and the folk holidays and national foods are being succeeded are the brilliant fruition born by the wise leadership of Kim Jong Il.

    Every country and nation has its own tradition. But it is not inherited of its own accord.

    Superior tradition of a nation is preserved and developed only when it is guided by a peerlessly great man, the outstanding leader.

    The Korean people’s superior national tradition which was developed by Kim Jong Il will be inherited forever as they have respected Marshal Kim Jong Un who is possessed of Kim Jong Il’s love for the nation as it is.