Applying the Juche-oriented view on people and people philosophy, DPRK’s socialism enjoys absolute support and trust among the people.
Leader Kim Jong Il said
“Socialism in our country is the socialism of our own style; it is the application of the great Juche idea and is centred upon the popular masses.”
The Juche-oriented view on people, the people philosophy considers the popular masses as the master of the revolution and enables to carry out revolution by relying on their inexhaustible strength and make devotional serve for the people.
The Juche-oriented view on people, the people philosophy regards the people, the most precious being in the world, as the God and respects them as the teacher and places their independent demand and interests before others and demands to make everything serve for the realization of their people’s dream and ideal. It also demands to carry out the revolution by relying on the people’s inexhaustible strength and to work energetically for them with the spirit of making selfless and devoted efforts for the good of the people and the spirit to bloom flowers even on the rock and pluck a star from the sky.
The main core of the Juche-oriented view on people and people philosophy is the selfless, devoted efforts for the good of the people and the highest essence is the idea of people first.
By thoroughly applying the Juche-oriented view of people and people philosophy on the whole socialist cause, socialism in the DPRK has consolidated and developed as most scientific and revolutionary people-centered socialism and its superiority and vitality have been wholly displayed.
In the DPRK treats everything for the people and things popular as the most sacred one and as top priority. Everything in the fields of politics, military and economy become for the people, and only things popular in culture and moral are stimulated, and everything serve for the people.
The Party and State give preference and regard as absolute of the people’s interests and convenience in formulating policies and execution. It also turns all the wealth created on the strength of the people to promote the people’s well-being and ensures the people to enjoy the highest quality and standard of civilization.
Socialism where Juche-oriented view on people and people philosophy are thoroughly applied becomes the life and faith of the Korean people.