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DPRK Organizes Labor for Disabled Persons and Provides Them with Conditions for Labor Protection

    The DPRK gives deep attention to the organization of labour and provision of labour protection conditions for disabled persons, so that they can work for the society and the collective with dignity and pride of being members of the society.

    The central labor administration and guidance organ and local power organs make a detailed survey of disabled persons with working ability and establish enterprises and organizations for them according to their regions so as to provide them with labour conditions.

    In consideration of their opinions, organs and enterprises send disabled persons to the proper places according to sex, age and physical condition and do not make them work in case the places are not furnished with necessary protection conditions for disabled persons.

    The local power organs provide the enterprises and organizations with conditions of economic activities such as production and materialization of their products.

    Labor of disabled children is prohibited thoroughly according to the DPRK Law on Protection of Persons with Disabilities.

    Working hours of a worker with serious disorder and a female worker with more than 2 disabled children are less than 8 hours and rest, recreation and medical treatment are preferentially provide to them so as to make them combine labor properly with rest.

    The DPRK awards orders, medals and honorary titles on the merited disabled persons and grants subsidy at the state expense to those who have no working abilities. All conditions are provided for the disabled persons who have no working abilities to enable them lead stable life in recuperation homes and homes for aged persons in accordance with their will.

    The DPRK guarantees thoroughly the work of organizing labor for disabled persons and providing them with labor protection conditions with the DPRK Law on Protection of Persons with Disabilities.