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Only Country without Tax

    Socialist Korea is a country with no tax.

    It has been a desire cherished by mankind for thousands of years to live in the country without tax.

    Such desire came true in the DPRK, the people’s country.

    In Korea, the matter of abolishing tax was clearly manifested in the “10-point Programme of the Association for the Restoration of the Fatherland” personally written by President Kim Il Sung in the days of the anti-Japanese armed struggle.

    With the maturity of conditions and possibilities to abolish tax system, the President saw that the agricultural tax in kind was abolished in the mid-1960s so as to liberate the Korean peasants from the burden of tax. As a result, only the income tax and local taxes remained in the DPRK at that time and they took a small part in the state budget income..

    In order to bring the people’s dream to live in the country where the tax was obliterated once and for all, the President further consolidated and developed the socialist system and solidly cemented the might of independent national economy. At last, he saw that the law on abolishing the tax system was adopted and promulgated at the 3rd session of the 5th Supreme People’s Assembly held on March 21, 1974.

    Hence, the socialist Korea became the world only tax-free country and the people in the Republic became the proud and happy people who brought the aspiration of mankind to live in the world without tax into reality for the first time.