The DPRK secures a legal guarantee by which all citizens can defend and realize all sorts of freedom and rights with the nationality of the Republic and under protection of the state irrespective of their place of residence and stay
DPRK citizen can be a Korean who had the nationality of Korea before the founding of the Republic, his or her off-spring who does not abandon the nationality and a person who had gained citizenship of other country or had no nationality but acquired the nationality of the Republic according to the legal procedure.
A person born between the Republic citizens, a person born between a Republic citizen and a citizen of other country or with no nationality, a person born between the people living in the territory of the Republic without nationality and a person who was born in the territory of the Republic but his or her parents are not confirmed can acquire the DPRK nationality.
Nationality of a person under 14 born between a citizen of the Republic residing in other country and a citizen of other country is decided by the will of his or her parents and a guardian in case he or she has no parents. In this case, a person acquires nationality of the Republic if there is no expression of the will from parents or a guardian 3 months after his or her birth. Nationality of a person over 14 born between a citizen of the Republic and a citizen of other country is decided by the will of his or her parents and his or her consent, and nationality of an adult is decided by his or her will.
In case of deciding nationality of the Republic for a person born between a citizen of the Republic living in other country and a citizen of other country, relevant document should be offered to the diplomatic or consular representative organ of the Republic in the country where his or her parents or children reside.
Nationality of the Republic is a symbol that he or she is a citizen of a dignified independent sovereign state and a legal basis that secures his or her independent and creative life. Citizen with nationality of the Republic is under the political and legal protection of the Republic irrespective of where he or she lives.