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Five Years of Victory Opened Up an Era of Our State-First Principle

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un said.
“However the situation and circumstances may change, Party members and all other working people should cherish the principle of our state first as an element of their faith and step up socialist economic construction in our own way. They should glorify the country’s great history by working with sincere devotion and a patriotic desire for developing their homeland by their own efforts before the eyes of the world, the precious land of socialism which they have defended from generation to generation.”
The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un said in his report delivered at the Eighth Congress of the Workers’ Party of Korea that the WPK organized and waged indomitable offensive struggle for turning every obstacle into great victory for the past five years since the Seventh Congress of the Party, and the victory won in the years can be characterized by that it opened up an era of fresh development, an era of our state-first principle.
The era of our state-first principle is a new era of self-respect and prosperity, which was born as a result that the WPK made all possible efforts for the people and determinedly building up its own force, boldly facing all kinds of challenges of history, a result of the do-or-die struggle for exalting the dignity and position of the state.
The WPK wisely led the Korean people’s struggle for brilliantly applying our state-first principle for the past five years since the Seventh Congress of the Party, thus opening up an era of fresh development, an era of our state-first principle that enables to push forward victorious progress in the building of a powerful socialist country.
With the opening up of the era of our state-first principle, the DPRK was turned into the country of dignified people in which the idea of believing in the people as in heaven and the most superior popular policy are realized, the country of single-minded unity which realized modeling the whole society on a unique idea, the country of miracle which built up the independent national economy and self-defence capacities and the promising country of definite succession.
The DPRK eclipsed on the world map a century ago. The DPRK is now demonstrating comprehensive national strength by displaying the might as the country of single-minded unity, the fortress of self-reliance, the invincible military power and the country of the people in which the idea of believing in the people as in heaven is fully realized. It is a brilliant fruition of energetic leadership and devotion made by the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un.
The Korean people will see the bright era of our state-first principle as they have the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un as the General Secretary of the WPK and advance under his leadership.