President Kim Il Sung clarified the programme of modelling the whole army on the Juche idea in his historic speech Let Us Firmly Guarantee the Fulfillment of the Revolutionary Cause of Juche by Force of Arms delivered on April 25, 1982.
Setting it forth as the general task of the army building to model the whole army on the Juche idea, the President clarified comprehensively tasks and ways to strengthen the Korean People’s Army politically, ideologically and militarily under the slogan Let us model the whole army on the Juche idea!
The revolution has not been finished yet; struggle must be continued until the revolutionary cause of Juche is consummated. It is the basic mission of the People’s Army to firmly guarantee the consummation of the revolutionary cause of Juche by force of arms. The People’s Army is guided by the Juche idea and fights for the victory of this idea. If the People’s Army is to fulfill its honourable mission as the revolutionary armed forces of the Party, it is necessary to train all the soldiers into true revolutionaries of Juche type and apply the Juche idea fully in all military affairs and activities.
The programme of modelling the whole army on the Juche idea clarified by the President was a new and original programme of founding the revolutionary armed forces. It illuminated scientifically the strategic goal for the final accomplis