One midnight the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un came to a unit under the Korean People’s Army.

Kim Jong Un gave valuable instructions related to the work of the unit for a long time. And then he looked tenderly at a woman official and appreciated that she was a merited person who pleased President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il. When he left the unit, Kim Jong Un told her to work better for long in good health.

The woman official could not leave readily even though Kim Jong Un had left. It was because she thought labour of him who would greet a new day while giving field guidance.

However, to her surprise, his car came back after a good while.

She did not know the reason why he came back. Kim Jong Un told her that he came back as he felt uneasy about having failed to have a photo taken with her. Then he had a photo taken with her.

Kim Jong Un came back because he wanted to add more brilliance to the life of the woman official who worked invariably for the Party throughout her life.