In the history of the bloody anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle, there is a touching story about 20 Yuan which tells great love shown by President Kim Il Sung for the Children’s Corps members in Maanshan.
For Kim Il Sung, the 20 Yuan was invaluable one.
It was the dear money Kim Il Sung’s mother Kang Pan Sok had earned and saved penny by penny by working on hire until her fingers bled, the money that she told him to use only in an adversity, which could not be overcome without money. It was also the money like an amulet for Kim Il Sung who had to cover a long journey of revolution.
Kim Il Sung wanted to keep it forever as a token of his mother’s love for him. But he willingly spent the 20 Yuan to provide clothing for ragged Children’s Corps members in Maanshan in the days of the bloody war against Japanese imperialists.