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It was one March day in 1941 when the Korean People’s Revolutionary Army (KPRA) waged an arduous war against the Japanese imperialists under the leadership of President Kim Il Sung.

After dinner, there was a revolutionary song contest with each company and platoon as a unit. Kim Il Sung attended the contest and said that the next day was March 8, the International Women’s Day. Kim Il Sung continued that he extended the warmest congratulations and glory to the women guerillas, the vanguard women fighters of Korea and the flowers of the KPRA, in the name of the Headquarters of the KPRA.

Kim Il Sung noted that it was necessary to build a system that would guarantee social emancipation of the Korean women in order to carry out the task for their social emancipation. He stressed that the issue of women’s emancipation could be ultimately solved only when they not only put an end to colonial rule of the Japanese imperialists and remnants of feudalism that caused all sorts of social evils but built a socialist system, a new society where the people became masters.

Women soldiers of the KPRA were different in age and career, but all of them were vanguard women fighters of Korea and flowers of the KPRA, valued by Kim Il Sung.