It happened in the strategic temporary retreat period of the Fatherland Liberation War.
Busy as he was with leading all people to victory in the war, Kim Il Sung acquainted himself with retreat situation of military personnel’s family and came to know that a child of one military person was left alone in the enemy-occupied area.
Being worried about it, the President said that it was impossible to leave there the child who could not live even a moment away from mother’s bosom. Then he continued that all people and all military personnel fought shedding blood for the children, the future. He saw that the child’s father was sent together with soldiers to bring the child back.
When he knew that the child’s father insisted not to leave the post in such a grave time, Kim Il Sung took measures to save the child.
As a result, the soldiers who received a special duty from Kim Il Sung left for the enemy-occupied area, and at last the child came back to his parents.