The goal that the DPRK put forward in the socialist rural construction at present is to model all the rural communities across the country on the Juche idea and make them materially affluent.
The immediate major task of rural development strategy is to transform all agricultural workers into revolutionary ones befitting the era of the Workers' Party, solve completely the food problem of the country and dynamically wage the struggle to drastically change the living environment of rural inhabitants, thus putting the countryside definitely on an orbit of sustained development.
When this goal and major task are realized, they can be prepared politico-ideologically, scientifically, technically and culturally. If then, they can fully play the role of masters responsible for rice supply of the nation, material and technological foundations of the rural economy can be radically consolidated and agricultural production can be increased, thus providing the agricultural workers with better living environment by completely solving the food problem of the country and changing farm villages into new ones.
In other words, agriculture of the country will be certainly put on the orbit of steady development and great changes brought about in rural communities.