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Juche Idea--Fruition of Ardent Love for People

Chairman Kim Jong Il once said meaningfully that President Kim Il Sung could found the great Juche idea absolutely followed by the world people as he cherished ardent love for the people unprecedented in history.
For the President, revolution was the sacred struggle for fully realizing independence of the popular masses and the process of cherishing love for and trust in the people prior to the reform of an old social system.
Since the first period when he embarked on the road of revolution, the President firmly regarded as an iron will that only ardent love for the people could save the popular masses from suffering distress and arouse them to lead the revolution to victory.
Thus, the President groped for the way to inspire the popular masses to the revolutionary struggle by going among them and sharing weal and woe with them. Through this, he founded the Juche idea.
The Juche idea regards the popular masses as the subject of history, the master of their own destiny for the first time in history, and is run through with the idea that everything in the world should serve the popular masses and all problems should be solved by relying on their efforts.
Indeed the Juche idea was the fruition of the president’s ardent love for people.