President Kim Il Sung, who paid deep attention to education of the rising generation throughout his life, said that education is not a job but a revolutionary work and gave the teachers the title of being career revolutionaries who bring up the younger generation to be successors to the revolution.
In June 2005, Chairman Kim Jong Il said that teachers, who placed future of the country before difficulties in their living and devoted their all to education for the rising generation, are patriots.
The sacred name patriot and the affection bestowed by the Chairman who saw that the Honoured Order and Medal of Teacher were instituted are associated with the high appreciation made for the teachers and the wish made for happy future of the teachers, the pride of the country and nation.
Cherishing deep in their mind the trust of the peerlessly great persons who regarded them as career revolutionaries and patriots, the DPRK teachers are determined to become strong root and foundation for the education of rising generation, thus raising the flames of a radical improvement in education.