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What are the Juche-oriented viewpoint and attitude towards the world?

     The Juche-oriented viewpoint and attitude to the world means approaching the world from the viewpoint of interests of man and dealing with the change and development of the world mainly on the basis of the activities of man.

    The Juche-oriented viewpoint and attitude to the world firstly means approaching the world from the viewpoint of interests of man.

    General Secretary Kim Jong Il said.

    “Taking a man-centred attitude towards the world means approaching the world from the viewpoint of interests of man, the master of the world.”

    Approaching the world from the viewpoint of man’s interests means observing and approaching the world in the aspects of making the world serve the interests of man.

    For this end, it is necessary to keep it as the top principle to defend man’s independent right and interests and to make all the problems arising in the cognitive and practical activities serve man’s demand for independence.

    For this end, it is important to define the targets of cognition and practice, select means and method and evaluate the result according to man’s demand for independence.

    The Juche-oriented viewpoint and attitude to the world secondly means dealing with the change and development of the world mainly on the basis of the activities of man.

    General Secretary Kim Jong Il said.

    “Approaching the world by focussing on man means dealing with the change and development of the world mainly on the basis of the activities of man who transforms it.”

    Dealing with the change and development of the world mainly on the basis of the activities of man means to think man’s activity as the main in cognizing and transforming the world and solve all problems by mobilizing his creative ability.

    After the war, our country planned to establish the foundations for socialist industrialization after recovering the damage of the war but she was short of everything such as raw materials, fund, manpower, etc. At this time President Kim Il Sung found the key to overcoming difficulties in trusting the people and mobilizing their strength.

    The great leader visited the working class in Kangson Steel Plant and told them about the grave situation of our country. He said that he trust only the workers, appealing them to produce ten thousand tons of steel more. The workers who received his love and trust rose as one and produced one hundred and twenty thousand tons of steel with the blooming mill that had capacity of producing only sixty thousand tons. This surprising news immediately spread over the whole country, creating miracles in many parts of the country. This is the brilliant success that was made through applying the viewpoint and attitude of dealing with the change and development of the world mainly on the basis of the activities of man.

    In order to deal with the change and development of the world mainly on the basis of the activities of man, it is necessary to keep it as the first process to train man to be more powerful being in all activities and to solve all problems by the method of enhancing his creative role.