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What is the law of domination, transformation and development of the world by man?

    The law is that the world is developed by the volitional action and role of man, in the direction of serving man and according to the development of man.

    General Secretary Kim Jong Il said.

    “The material nature of the world and its universal laws of motion having been clarified, the Juche idea presented the position and role of man in the world as the fundamental question of philosophy and proved that man is the master of everything and decides everything. It explicated on this basis the law that governs the domination, transformation and development of the world by man.”

    Law of domination, transformation and development of the world by man clarified by the Juche idea is that the world is developed by the volitional action and role of man.

    That the world is developed by volitional action and role of man is the law that clarifies the main factor in domination, transformation and development of the world.

    That the world is dominated, transformed and developed by volitional action and role of man means that this is done by the independent, creative and conscious activities of man. The volitional action and role of man over the world is the process of activities to dominate and transform the world, which is, in essence, the independent, creative and conscious activities of man. With independent, creative and conscious activities man transforms the world ceaselessly in conformity with his demand. This finds its clear expression in the fact that nature and society are transformed in conformity with his interests only by his active role.

    The Juche viewpoint on the law of domination, transformation and development of the world by man is that the world develops in the direction of serving man.

    That the world develops in the direction of serving man is the law that clarifies the main direction of domination, transformation and development of the world by man.

    That the world develops in the direction of serving man means, in a word, that the world is transformed in the direction of realizing man’s independence more wonderfully. As long as the fundamental purpose of man’s activity is to realize his independence and his activity for independence is deepened continuously, it is inevitable that the world develops more and more in the direction of serving man.

    That the world develops in the direction of realizing independence of man can find its concrete expression in the fact that fields and targets of nature and society are continuously expanded to serve man.

    The Juche viewpoint of domination, transformation and development of the world by man is, next, that the world develops according to development of man.

    That the world develops according to the development of man is the law that clarifies the feature of transforming and developing the world by man.

    That the world develops according to the development of man is that the development of the world is accelerated according to the development of independence, creativity and consciousness. Acceleration of domination, transformation and development of the world depends on the degree of man’s development and the developing standard of man’s independence, creativity and consciousness. Therefore, the development of the world is further accelerated according to the development of man’s independence, and consciousness and the strengthening of his activity.

    That the world develops according to the development of man can find its clear expression in the fact that transformation and development of nature and society is rapidly made in conformity with the development of man’s independence, creativity and consciousness.