Main Objective of Educational Revolution in New Century

The 4th Plenary Meeting of the 8th Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea made a conclusion that it was necessary for the educational sector to regard it as the main objective of educational revolution in the new century to train all the school children into genuine revolutionary talents, competent and creative talents and reserves of socialism by developing the education into the most advanced and ideal one to which one can entrust the future of the country.

The plenary meeting stressed that, for its end, it was important to further strengthen the prodigy education system and train a large number of good scientific and technical talents who can be a core and traction engine in several fields including the economy and the national defence, to strengthen the ranks of teachers in local areas and farm villages in a qualitative and quantitative way and to push forward the work to modernize the educational conditions and environment so as to put the overall educational level of the country on a higher level.