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Interrelationship between Independence and Freedom

Independence is a key category of the great Juche idea. It expresses an essential attribute of man, a social being.

Independence is a social product. Independence is an attribute that has been formed and developed socially and historically.

People have independence and therefore, they demand freedom and wage struggle for freedom.

Freedom is such a state that independent demand is realized.

Independence is man’s attribute that is a source of the struggle for freedom. Independence is also a criterion that decides whether it is freedom or not.

Action taken in conformity with independent demand is freedom and all others contrary to the independent demand are not freedom.

Freedom covers politics, the economy, culture and all other spheres of social life. Freedom in political life, the socio-political freedom, is the main. Freedom in socio-political life is guaranteed by socio-political rights. We can say that man enjoys genuine freedom only when he has socio-political rights and fully exercises them.

Genuine freedom is fully ensured only in a socialist society.