Struggle for socialism is the highest stage of struggle for independence of the popular masses.
Leader Kim Jong Il said.
“The struggle for socialism and communism is the highest stage of the struggle for independence.”
Since the advent of class society, the masses of working people have waged strenuous struggle for independence.
Slaves’ riot that can be explained as the first advance of the exploited working masses for independence in history and peasant’s anti-feudal struggle in the middle age collapsed slavery and feudal system. However, they failed to liquidate the exploiter system that infringes upon and restricts the popular masses’ independence. They only replaced slavery with feudal system, feudal system with capitalist system.
The struggle for socialism is to put an end once and for all to exploitation of man by man, oppression of class by class and domination of state by state. It is the struggle to liquidate all remnants of old society handed down through history and liberate the people from their restriction. The popular masses’ struggle for independence attains its ultimate goal through the struggle for socialism, and the struggle for socialism is the highest stage of the popular masses’ struggle for independence.