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Highest Stage of Popular Masses’ Creative Movement

Creative movement of the popular masses reaches the highest stage in the struggle for socialism.
Socialism is the ideal and revolutionary banner of the popular masses.
The struggle for socialism is the creative movement of the highest form in human history.
Socialist society is the society where the masses’ independent demand to free themselves from exploitation and oppression is realized and the one where the masses of the people become masters of society for the first time in history.
The popular masses who become masters of state and society in the socialist society develop their creative ability and give full play to their creative talent thanks to the revolutionary and popular policies of the Party and the state.
That is why the creativity of the masses is fully displayed in the struggle to build socialism.
Waging the struggle for socialism, the working masses of the people, whose creative activities had been repressed by the ruling class in the whole period of hostile class society, become the genuine makers of history who shape their destiny independently while transforming the world in keeping with their own will and demand.