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Juche Viewpoint and Attitude to the World Are Truly Revolutionary

Chairman Kim Jong Il said,
“The Juche viewpoint and attitude to the world are truly revolutionary in that they enable men to transform the world and shape their destiny independently, creatively and consciously, with a high degree of awareness that they are masters of the world and their own destiny.”
The Juche viewpoint and attitude to the world enable men to have a high degree of awareness that they are masters of the world and their own destiny.
Having awareness that they are masters is the primary requirement to conduct with success the activities of cognizing and transforming the world. Man fulfills his responsibility and role only when he has awareness that it is conducive to his independent demand and interests and he can realize them with creative ability. The man-centered viewpoint and attitude towards the world clarifies that the world should be approached proceeding from man’s interests and the changes and development of the world should be dealt with mainly on the basis of man’s activity, thus enabling the people to have high awareness that they are masters of the world and their own destiny.
The Juche viewpoint and attitude to the world enable the people to successfully transform the world and shape their destiny.
The process of transforming the world is the one in which man shapes his destiny as master. Whether man makes success in shaping his own destiny by transforming the world or not is decided by how man, the performer, gives full play to his independence, creativity and consciousness. Man-centered viewpoint and attitude to the world enable man to transform the world with his own efforts in line with his demand and interests, thus illuminating the way for the people to successfully transform the world and shape their own destiny in cognition and practice.
The Juche viewpoint and attitude to the world are truly new viewpoint and attitude.
Regarding the world outlook as the totality of the views on the world, the preceding philosophies concentrated on giving solution to it.
The preceding philosophy failed to raise the issue on the viewpoint and attitude to the world as an independent one.
It is the historic services of the Juche idea that freshly reformed the main component of the people’s world outlook to have set and explained the man-centered viewpoint and attitude to the world as the independent system.
Thanks to the Juche viewpoint and attitude to the world, the viewpoint and attitude to the world was considered as the independent component of the philosophical world outlook and the fundamental aim and method of all cognitive and practical activities were explained in a fresh way with man as the main.