Social movement caused and advanced by the popular masses, the driving force, has spontaneity and purposefulness.
Purposefulness of the social movement indicates a characteristic of social movement in which the popular masses carry on purposefully with definite objectives suited to their will and demands and the requirements of objective law.
In relation with the spontaneity of social movement, the purposefulness of social movement represents a high level of the social movement.
When social movement is carried on purposefully and volitionally in accordance with its definite objectives and plans, independent desire of the popular masses is realized earlier and more successfully.
Spontaneity of social movement is the one by which social movement is not properly carried on in line with the requirements of objective social law in a certain historical stage.
Spontaneity of social movement implies that social movement is carried on diffusively while swinging to the right or to the left, without any definite objectives and methods in social movement.
The spontaneity of the social movement indicates a low level of the social movement.
Spontaneity acts on social movement as the popular masses’ level of development in their independence, creativity and consciousness is low and social system is not completed.
The working realm of spontaneity and purposefulness in social movement is not immutable but changes constantly.
In the process of social development, spontaneity and purposefulness of the social movement are in inverse proportion.
The more the working realm of spontaneity of social movement gets limited, the wider the acting realm of purposefulness of social movement expands. Society develops from low stage to the higher stage in accordance with the decrease of the working realm of spontaneity and the expansion of purposefulness of social movement.