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How Is Man’s Positive Activities for Dominating and Transforming the World Intensified?

    First of all, man’s positive activities are intensified through the efforts to overcome all sorts of challenges.

    The obstacles and fetters that impede man’s positive activities to dominate and transform the world have existed since the first period of history. They have existed in nature and society. As an independent, creative and conscious being, man conducts activities to dominate and transform the world to bring about change and development of the world in the efforts to overcome all sorts of brute natural challenges and social retrogressions and, in this process, ceaselessly intensifies his positive activity.

    Next, man’s positive activities are intensified in the historical succession to the preceding generations.

    The important factors that guarantee man’s positive activities in changing and transforming the world are the knowledge, experience and successes accumulated by the preceding generations. Domination and transformation of the world by the people in each generation and each era become impossible and the intensification of man’s positive activities are inconceivable in case there are no accumulated knowledge, experience and foundation and successive relations with preceding generations.

    In order to make man’s positive activities for extending the sphere of dominating and transforming the world and their qualitative consolidation be rational and effective ones, he should be based on the knowledge, experience and foundation accumulated by mankind.

    This proves that man’s activities in every generation or era are activated and constantly intensified only through the historical successive relations with the preceding generations and eras.