Today when the great event of national liberation is at hand I am going to talk to you about the need to intensify the study of the homeland and also about some urgent tasks.
The world situation is rapidly turning in favour of the revolution, and the great event of national liberation is now the order of the day.
The fascist nations–Japan, Germany and Italy–that unleashed the Second World War with the object of dominating the world are going downhill step by step as time goes on.
Backed stealthily by the US and British imperialists, fascist Germany treacherously surprised the Soviet Union with a huge force of 170 divisions, reinforced by aircraft and tanks. They boasted that they would defeat the Soviet Union within a few months, but the Soviet people and the Red Army, led by great Comrade Stalin, gradually resolved the unfavourable situation that prevailed in the first stage of the war. Single-handedly they checked fascist Germany in its frantic attack, for which it had mobilized all internal forces as well as the military force, manpower and resources of the 14 European countries already under its occupation, and they took the counter-offensive.
Early this year at Stalingrad, the incomparably brave Red Army crushed fascist Germany’s 30 crack panzer divisions equipped with
the latest weapons, marking a new turning point in the Soviet-German war. It is evident that the fate of the fascist German army was decisively sealed at Stalingrad.
The Red Army has now driven the German aggressors back to the vicinity of the Dnieper, and before long will destroy all the aggressors on Soviet territory and win a great victory.
Firmly believing Germany’s victory over the Soviet Union a fait accompli, the Japanese imperialists started the adventurous Pacific War, but they are also suffering one defeat after another on the vast fronts of China, Southeast Asia and the Pacific.
On the Chinese front, the Japanese imperialists are gradually getting into hot water owing to the counter-attack of the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army led by the Communist Party of China. The greater part of their armed forces sent to the Chinese front along with the puppet army was directed into operations calculated to “wipe out” the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army, but one after another their “punitive” operations have come to grief. In North China the Eighth Route Army is gradually expanding its liberated area.
The Japanese imperialists planned to surprise the Americans in Pearl Harbour of Hawaii and administer a mortal blow to the US Pacific Fleet and then, before the United States could recover, seize a wide area of Southeast Asia. They then planned to plunder the rich natural resources, such as oil and rubber, so that they would meet their shortage of strategic materials and cope with the protracted war. Their daydream was that this would enable them to defeat the US and British forces in Southeast Asia and in the Pacific together with Germany’s victory over the Soviet Union. But they have already completely lost balance in the Pacific and are suffering defeat after defeat.
Italy has surrendered and Germany and Japan have begun to retreat hastily.
When we analyse the Second World War, there is no doubt that the fall of the Japanese imperialists is inevitable and that the great event of national liberation is at hand.
Today, with the great event of national liberation almost in sight, one of our most important tasks is to study the homeland well.
A good knowledge of our country and our people is essential for us to discharge our duties successfully as patriots and communists and carry out the Korean revolution with honour.
In order to carry the responsibility for the Korean revolution, we must be well versed in the history and geography of the homeland and be well informed about its brilliant cultural traditions. This is indispensable to us in fostering ardent patriotism, increasing our readiness to serve the country and the people with devotion, and in educating our people by understanding their preferences and so persuading them to become actively involved in the revolutionary struggle.
At the same time, a good knowledge of our history, geography, economy and culture is essential for us communists to apply Marxist-Leninist principles creatively to the realities of our country, take an independent attitude and form our own views with regard to the revolution in our country.
Also, for the purpose of saving our fine national traditions and national riches from the Japanese imperialist colonial rulers’ policy of national eradication, we must know well about our history, geography and culture.
Not only are the Japanese imperialists now intensifying their cruel colonial plunder of our people in order to make up for their successive ignominious setbacks in the war, but also, with the object of erasing our country from the map forever, they are openly pursuing the national assimilation policy, raving about the “same ancestry” and “oneness of Japan and Korea.” Distorting or deleting our time-honoured brilliant history and cultural traditions and widely propagating the “samurai spirit” of the “Empire’s subjects,” these colonial rulers of Japanese imperialism are trying to stamp out all that is Korean. In order to prevent Korea’s resurrection, they forbid the use of our language, spoken and written. Furthermore, they prohibit the Koreans from using their proper names, forcing them to change their names according to Japanese fashion, such as Ushiichiro and Umasaburo.
Now that the Japanese imperialists are making a frenzied attempt to erase the history and culture of our nation and Korea forever, we, the true patriots of Korea, must study our homeland well. This is one of our most important revolutionary tasks.
We must study our country hard in order to reconstruct our liberated country well in the future.
The commanding officers and soldiers of the KPRA are all fig
The current situation with the great event of national liberation fast approaching makes it imperative that while studying Marxism-Leninism we acquire a deep knowledge needed for the buildup of the economy and culture in a liberated homeland.
As communists of Korea, how can we expect to cope adequately with the Korean revolution without being well versed in the history, culture, nature and geography of Korea and the good ethics and customs of its people?
Korean communists must know well, boast of and love ardently the 5,000 years of our people’s history and brilliant culture and the physical aspects and rich resources of the homeland. They must hold to the lofty ideal and firm resolve to build a communist society, a paradise for the people, in their beautiful country.
In the first place, we must make a thorough study of our history.
When we say we must study the history, we mean that we must be acquainted with the history of our people’s struggle and creative activities, not the history of kings or other feudal rulers.
A solid knowledge of this history is indispensable to us in order to develop an ardent feeling of patriotism and foster both national pride and revolutionary self-respect.
From olden times our people waged an unyielding struggle against the tyranny of the feudal rulers and foreign invaders and developed science and culture by their own creative labour and wisdom, thus making Korea famous in the East.
Our people are brave and resourceful, industrious and peace-loving. In particular, our people are highly patriotic and fight indefatigably against foreign invaders in defence of the dignity of the nation.
The invasion of our country by foreign aggressors has been ceaseless since ancient times, and it has been more rampant especially during the latter part of the 19th century, and after.
From olden times the Korean people rose as one man in a holy war to defend their country and they repulsed the aggressors each time an invasion occurred. They defended their country heroically as recorded in 5,000 years of honoured history.
The history of our people in ancient times and in the Middle Ages was a history of struggle against aggression in defence of the homeland–repulsing the invasions of Sui and Tang and those of Khitan and Yuan to the north and curbing the invasion of the Japanese to the south. In modern times it has been a history of anti-imperialist struggle, a history of national liberation struggle, fought against the invasion of the Japanese and US imperialists.
Foreign aggressors invaded our country ceaselessly for ages, but were unable to break the patriotic loyalty and valour of our people at all, failing to bring them to their knees.
Not only were the people of Koguryo resourceful and intrepid, but they regarded defending their country with all their devotion as the most honourable thing. It was considered the men’s duty to learn military arts and from childhood they were trained in running, riding, archery and fencing. The military arts were the basis of all folk games and sporting contests. There is a story about Ondal, a man of obscure birth, who was taken into service after winning a hunting game and performed great feats in defending the country. This eloquently shows that in evaluating people in Koguryo importance was attached to their military accomplis
Because the people of Koguryo were educated in patriotism, received military training and were disciplined to be brave from an early age, they acquired a high sense of national pride and a stout heart and safeguarded the country’s honour and the nation’s dignity by repulsing the t
The people of Silla and Paekje living in the southern part of our country firmly defended their territories with great fortitude so that no foreign enemy dared to intrude.
If in the period of the T
When hundreds of thousands of Khitan troops invaded our country, the people of Koryo, under the command of General Kang Kam Chan, dealt them a crushing blow at the Amnok River and at Kusong, thus saving the country.
Under the Ri dynasty, too, our people fought courageously against the foreign invaders. The feudal rulers, however, instead of taking measures to cope with alien aggression by strengthening the national defence and training the army, only sang the praises of peace and indulged in a life of ease. Taking advantage of this, the vicious Japanese samurai invaded in great force in 1592. The feudal rulers, who had been easy-going, neglecting the necessary day-to-day buildup of defence, found themselves powerless to check the invasion, so they ran away to Uiju with the king, abandoning the country and people to the mercy of Japanese intruders.
The sagacious and intrepid people of Korea, however, fought the aggressors with valour everywhere–the South Sea, Jinju, Yonan, Pyongyang and other places. Admiral Ri Sun Sin, in command of a meagre naval force, defended the sea off the coast of Jolla Province and stopped the advance of Japanese invaders. They won a great victory through annihilating the Japanese naval force off Hansan Island. The patriots, including Kwak Jae U, raised armies of volunteers, defeating the Japanese invaders everywhere. Peasants, lower-grade officials and even monks living in seclusion in mountains raised volunteer armies and even the women fought with them. The people fought for seven years with a do-or-die spirit against the atrocious and heinous Japanese samurai and at last drove the enemies out of their territory and thus defended national honour and dignity.
In the middle of the 19th century, when our country was invaded by the capitalist powers from Europe and America, the incompetent and bigoted feudal rulers indulged themselves in factional strife, greedy only for power and pleasure without any regard for the country and people, but our people unyieldingly fought against the aggressors.
In 1866 the people of Pyongyang sank the US pirate ship General Sherman, which intruded into the Taedong River. Our people and soldiers also repulsed an invading French ship.
In 1894 the peasants of Jolla Province started a peasant war directed against the misgovernment of the feudal rulers. At that time, too, the peasants and patriotic soldiers and scholars not only fought the rulers, but also waged a bloody struggle against the Japanese army of aggression that had made inroads into our country by taking advantage of its internal confusion.
As you can see, over a long period of 5,000 years the people of Korea fought unflinchingly against the foreign aggressors and defended their country, demonstrating their ardent patriotism, courage and indomitable spirit to the whole world.
But the feudal rulers did not try to reject the foreign forces and foster the national resources to preserve the integrity of the country. Instead, they acted as flunkeys to the great powers and indulged in factional strife, fawning upon foreign forces and backed by them, and ended by committing the never-to-be-pardoned treachery of selling the country over to the Japanese imperialist aggressors.
After the country was seized by the Japanese imperialists in 1910, our people unremittingly launched the Rig
Particularly in the early 1930s we, the communists who are true patriots, organized and pursued a heroic anti-Japanese armed struggle. We thus advanced the national liberation struggle of Korea to a higher stage, and over ten long years we dealt heavy political and military blows to our enemy, Japanese imperialism, pushing it towards its doom.
The intelligent and brave people of Korea will never succumb and the Korean spirit will remain alive forever. The anti-Japanese national liberation struggle of the Korean people, guided by the all-conquering revolutionary ideas of Marxism-Leninism, is bound to win and our homeland will certainly be liberated. The day is not far off when the Korean spirit will be demonstrated to the whole world.
By intensely studying the glorious history of the struggle of the Korean people, we must cultivate even further ardent patriotism, national pride and burning hatred for the enemy.
The Korean people are a talented, sagacious and civilized people who developed brilliant traditions in science and culture.
Our forefathers in ancient times created a resplendent culture that contributed to the flowering of the civilization of the East.
In olden times our people began to produce iron. In the period of the T
In the first half of the seventh century our ancestors built Chomsongdae, the world-famous astronomical observatory, thus greatly contributing to the development of meteorology and astronomy.
Architecture was a well-developed art in the period of the T
Our country also saw music and dance highly developed in ancient times. Our ancestors promoted music with the production of excellent national instruments, such as kayagum and komungo, and developed a folk dance that was outstanding in its graceful, rhythmical movement.
Our advanced culture, metallurgy and ceramics had already spread abroad during the period of the T
The people of Koryo greatly developed the printing industry by inventing metal type for the first time in the world and manufactured the Koryo ceramics that the world values as treasures because of their distinctive colours, patterns and models. All these made our country famous.
Our people, who had used Ridu characters for writing ever since the period of the T
Even when the feudal rulers who had fallen prey to worship of great powers were idling their time away, reciting the Confucian scriptures and chanting poems about the beauties of nature, the people were putting their distinguished talents to use and producing works of art worthy of world praise. With technicians they invented the original mighty turtle-shaped armoured ship, the world’s first iron-clad warship.
Through the quoted examples we can realize clearly how talented and wise our people are and how greatly our nation has assisted mankind’s development of science and culture.
We communists must know more about, and learn to value, the traditions of science and culture established by our ancestors. By doing so, we shall be able to develop science that genuinely serves the people and helps to build a new society and to create a national culture, democratic and socialist, in a liberated country. A new socialist national culture never arises out of nothing. It is created by critically inheriting and developing the excellent traditions of our national culture handed down from generation to generation. In order to create a new socialist national culture we must be well aware of the fine traditions of our national culture and critically analyse and appreciate them.
Ours is a homogeneous nation with 5,000 years of history; it is a valorous, ambitious nation that has been vigorously fighting against foreign invaders and successive reactionary rulers from olden times; and it is a talented nation that has contributed greatly to mankind’s development of science and culture.
We are communists who love the homeland and the people more ardently than anybody else. We must further heig
If we had lacked that intense patriotism that defends the dignity of our country and loves our nation, we would not have become true patriots and communists faithful to the revolution of our country. As we had the ardent spirit of loving and valuing the country and nation more than anyone else, we could begin the struggle to liberate the Japanese-imperialist-ridden homeland and people and become today’s fine communists, who have been firmly armed with the revolutionary world outlook of Marxism-Leninism and tested in the prolonged revolutionary struggle.
We must have a good knowledge not only of the country’s history but also of its geography.
The ultimate goal of our revolution is to make our country rich and mighty, so that our people will lead a full and happy life. In other words, it is to build a paradise of socialism and communism in our country. Who builds this paradise? We must do it by ourselves. We must defeat the Japanese imperialists and then construct in the homeland a socialist state like that of the Soviet Union with advanced industry and agriculture. To this end we must exploit our abundant natural resources to reconstruct and develop all fields of the economy, including industry, agriculture and fisheries.
Our country has every condition to build a rich, strong, independent and sovereign state, whether from the viewpoint of area or population or resources.
Situated in the east of the Asian continent, our country borders the continent on the north and its t
It has huge deposits of hundreds of kinds of valuable and useful minerals, including iron ore, a veritable treasure house with gold, silver and jewels.
Over the Paekmu Plateau, the northern region of our country, an inexhaustible deposit of magnetic iron ore is buried and the western plain areas abound in good-quality limonite. The estimated iron ore deposits already amount to thousands of millions of tons and the figure is expected to increase.
High-caloric bituminous coal abounds in the northern region and anthracite in South Phyongan Province and in the T
Our country is so rich in gold, silver, copper, lead, zinc, black lead, molybdenum, magnesite and other valuable metals and ores that the world might well be envious. Moreover, quantities of limestone can be found everywhere.
We have rich power resources, particularly hydroelectric power. In the northern region, including the Kaema Plateau, which is called the roof of the country, there are enough hydro power resources to produce several million kw of electricity. If we turn the flow of water to the East Sea from the Kaema and Pujon plateaus, we can find many places suitable for building power stations, thanks to its high heads. In fact the Hochongang, Jangjingang and Pujongang power stations are situated there, and the Suphung Power Station with a generating capacity of 700,000 kw, the biggest in the East, also relies on the northern hydro power resources. If we make better use of these resources, we would turn out millions more kw of electricity. This will make our country rich in electricity.
Our country produces the most nutritious rice in the world. In the south there are the Mangyong Plain of Kimje, the Ryongnam and Kyonggi plains, where millions of sok of good-quality rice are produced every year, and in the north are the Yonbaek, Namuri and Pura plains. Over 15 million sok of rice are annually turned out in more than one million hectares of paddy fields. If we establish a people’s state someday and reclaim the tideland along the west coast, we would obtain hundreds of thousands of hectares of fertile lands to produce several million sok of rice. Our hills are suitable for fruit growing, so our country is famous for fruit–the apples of Hwangju, Taegu, Anbyon and Pukchong, the oranges and persimmons of the south coast, the pears of
Our country is surrounded by the sea on t
The natural resources of our country are really abundant, but our people do not enjoy the benefits of these rich resources. Today the Japanese imperialists, in an attempt to secure the huge military supplies needed for the aggressive war against China and for the Pacific War, annually plunder Korea of eight billion kwh of electricity, over t
Our country is abundant not only in natural resources, but in beautiful natural scenery. Everywhere we can see hills and mountains and clear rivers, presenting a picturesque view. Beautiful mountains–the sky-kissing Mt. Paektu in the north, then Mt. Kumgang and Mt. T
Our country will become a happy land if the beautiful mountains, crystal waters and picturesque scenery all serve the people to promote their health and recreation! We must liberate our country as soon as possible, build rest centres for the working people in scenic spots, and erect sanatoria where there is clear water and fresh air to promote the health of our people.
There are many countries on the globe, but ones as beautiful and good to live in as our homeland are rare. A country with picturesque mountains and rivers, its fertile land producing various cereals and fruits and with underground deposits of gold, silver and other treasures, a country where an intelligent, gallant and civilized people are living–what a proud and precious homeland it is!
Today, however, our people are leading the worst life in the world and our brilliant national culture with its 5,000 years of traditions is losing its colour. They have no right to eat at will the rice produced by themselves nor freedom to travel about their own territory. Numerous compatriots, brothers and sisters are on the brink of starvation. Unless we defeat the enemy, Japanese imperialism, and establish a people’s state whose power belongs to workers and peasants, the beautiful land of Korea will not bring us joy, nor will gold, silver and other valuables, even if boundless, make our people well-off.
We communists, the revolutionaries of Korea, must drive out the Japanese imperialists and ac
Today, in the Second World War, the Japanese imperialists find themselves in a tight corner and are becoming more desperate as their days are numbered.
Their oppression and plunder of the Korean people have reached their zenith since the Pacific War. They have over t
The Japanese imperialist policemen are beating indiscriminately even the aged under the pretext of “unpatriotic persons” if they fail to learn by heart the “Oath of the Empire’s Subjects” in Japanese, and severely punishing the children on the “charge” of speaking their mother tongue.
The Japanese imperialists are not only making a desperate effort to erase everything Korean but also plundering a huge amount of labour forces and materials under the signboard of the “successful conclusion of war.” They are forcing a number of Korean youths into the battlefields as conscripts, only to use them as cannon fodder. Besides, they have drafted almost all the able-bodied young and middle-aged Koreans for forced labour without pay in coal mines and construction sites for military establis
Those who escaped labour requisition have been forcibly dragged into the “patriotic service corps” and are worked cruelly and endlessly for nothing. Young pupils, too, have to undertake backbreaking labour under the pretext of “working service” all the year round.
In order to meet the increasing demands of the war, the Japanese imperialists are intensifying their economic plunder more than ever before, thus depriving the Koreans of even brass vessels, spoons and chopsticks.
Greatly inspired by the military and political activities of our KPRA, the Korean people are intensifying the anti-Japanese struggle under difficult circumstances where the enemy’s fascist suppression has reached its climax. The workers continue to go on with various forms of struggle, including strikes, sabotage and mass escape, at the factories, important construction sites, ports and munitions plants in Seoul, Pyongyang, Chongjin, Hungnam, Pusan and other principal industrial cities. The peasants are unyieldingly fighting against the forced delivery of produce, murderous war burdens and coercive mobilization. Ideological movements and school strikes by teachers and students are frequent. The young and middle-aged people combat military service, draft and forced labour. Particularly, in response to the anti-Japanese armed struggle, the masses show an ever-increasing trend towards hand-to-hand fighting with weapons, and many youths and students are trying to get in touch with the KPRA.
In defiance of the tight cordon of the Japanese imperialists posted along the borderline with the permanent marshalling of their armed forces hundreds of thousands strong, detac
Although the Japanese imperialists are desperate in their attempt to escape their doom, the internal and external situations are changing decidedly in favour of the revolution.
However, no matter how mature the revolutionary situation at home and abroad may be, a decisive victory in the revolution cannot be won unless the Korean communists, the leading force of the Korean revolution, act as the host to organize and mobilize the masses successfully.
We must put all our energies and talents into the struggle to hasten the great event of national liberation as soon as possible.
In order to meet this great event with full preparation, we must further strengthen the military and political activities of the KPRA to reinforce our own revolutionary forces and thus get the whole nation ready for the general mobilization for the final battle with the Japanese imperialists.
First, for this purpose we must step up the anti-Japanese national united front movement on a nationwide scale and firmly unite all patriotic forces of the country, thus laying a solid mass basis for fighting it out with the burglar, Japanese imperialism.
The anti-Japanese national united front movement in our country has made a rapid advance since the founding of the Association for the Restoration of the Fatherland in May 1936.
The lower organizations of the ARF have become widespread in the areas along the Amnok and Tuman rivers and its networks spread deep into the homeland, uniting the people from all walks of life around this united front.
Since 1939 the united front has branched out over the northeast part of Mt. Paektu and many other places of the homeland, despite the harsh suppression of the Japanese imperialists.
However, all the anti-Japanese patriotic forces throughout the country are not yet fully involved in the anti-Japanese national united front. If we fail to firmly organize and unite all forces opposing Japanese imperialism, we cannot have a solid mass basis for a decisive battle with the enemy, which will break out at home in the near future. Therefore, we must expand and strengthen the united front organizations all over the country and organize and rally all forces that can join hands with us. This is a key factor in deciding the fate of our last battle. We must form the lower organizations of the front in various places by sending many more competent political workers to the homeland and unite all the anti-Japanese forces–youths and students, intellectuals, conscientious native capitalists and patriotic men of religion with workers and peasants as their core. This organizational and political work must be done energetically.
The objective situation in the homeland is now unprecedentedly favourable for strengthening and developing the anti-Japanese national united front. The last-ditch suppression and plunder by the Japanese imperialists have placed all the Koreans in a dreadful predicament, irrespective of their political views, property status, knowledge and religious beliefs. Workers are either drafted or forced to toil at munitions factories, equal to a life behind bars. They have to slave endlessly, eating only 100 grammes of Manchurian defatted bean cake for each meal.
It is needless to mention their low wages and the inadequate labour protection.
The peasants are in a much worse plight. The crop has been sharply decreased because they till devastated lands without young men. Still worse, most of their harvests are plundered by the Japanese imperialists, the landlords and officials, with the result that the peasants find it very difficult to make a living.
Curtailed statistics issued by the Japanese imperialists show that more than 50 percent of peasant households have run out of provisions in spring dearth. In fact, all of the peasants live on arrowroots unearthed from under the snow in winter and grass roots in spring. What is more, the enemies bleed the poor countryside of Korea dry by imposing upon the peasants all sorts of war burdens, such as the “national defence donation,” the “arms contribution” and the “lottery ticket.”
The students and intellectuals are also in the worst state of misery. The war has forced the closure of schools. All the university and college students, whose number could be counted on our fingers, have been conscripted under the name of “volunteers” and the secondary schools have been turned into military training camps. Even the pupils of primary schools have to do military training and the days spent on forced labour are more than the actual school days.
The situation of workers, peasants and all other sectors of the Korean people today is at its lowest ebb. Therefore, every Korean bitterly laments the state of this world by saying, “When will it come to an end?” and thirsts for the day when the KPRA will defeat the Japanese imperialists and liberate our nation.
Under these circumstances, if we actively promote the anti-Japanese national united front movement, the broad masses of all strata, except a handful of pro-Japanese elements and traitors to the nation, will vie wit
Second, we must build revolutionary bases more reliably as strong organizational centres in the homeland. The main units of the KPRA must have strong bases from which they may fight a last battle with the t
The building of revolutionary bases in the homeland can fully be realized when the prevailing situation and the balance of forces between friend and foe are taken into consideration. As the days go by, the Japanese imperialists will be further isolated and their forces dispersed, finding themselves highly vulnerable in our homeland. Then we shall be able to set up revolutionary bases deep in the mountains in all parts of the country and, relying on them, expand and reinforce the armed ranks and lay the mass foundation.
The mass foundation for building the revolutionary bases is very good. We have already established underground revolutionary organizations in the homeland. A number of young people have evaded forced labour and conscription by the Japanese imperialists and hidden themselves in the mountains, and the youths in different areas have formed secret organizations and prepared weapons and are ready to join the revolutionary army the moment it advances. Some of them have already got in touch with the KPRA, and others, to this end, are coming to our units, breaking through the death line. Therefore, if we set up revolutionary bases in the Rangnim and T
Our main units should get ready for an advance into the homeland promptly if the situation arises. Then they should occupy the mountains of various regions in North and South Hamgyong provinces, North and South Phyongan provinces, Kangwon Province and Hwang
To this end, we should form the main units beforehand according to the regions, organize the reserve units and prepare necessary weapons.
We have ample opportunity to arm the revolutionary people at home, in case of emergency. There is a considerable stock of arms seized from the enemy in the past period and we have every possibility of capturing their weapons and arming many more people when the great event takes place. Therefore, it is quite possible to arm our rapidly increasing ranks, as over ten years of combat experience shows.
Meanwhile, we should see to it that some of our units set up new guerrilla bases in eastern and southern Manchuria and further escalate the armed struggle so as to hold in check the Kwantung Army of Japan and assist the main units that may operate in the homeland.
We have already trained our own leading cadres to liberate the country. We have not only commanding officers with combat skills and ric
These revolutionary leading cadres are, indeed, a priceless treasure of the Korean revolution. If we form the whole nation into a combat unit with them as a framework in time of need and launch a decisive battle against the Japanese imperialists, we shall be able to defeat these burglars.
Third, the entire force of commanding officers and soldiers of the KPRA should have everything in full readiness politically and militarily in order to meet the great event of national liberation.
Victory in the revolutionary struggle depends largely on the political and ideological preparedness of the participants and mainly on the political and theoretical level and the art of leadership of the commanding officers who organize and lead the struggle. However, even though the situation is favourable and the conditions are mature, these commanding officers will never lead the masses to victory without correct strategy and tactics and scientific leadership based on accurate judgement of the balance of forces between friend and foe. Therefore, in order to meet the great event in readiness, it is most important for us, the leading personnel of the revolution, to firmly arm ourselves with Marxist-Leninist revolutionary theory and possess correct strategy and tactics and the refined art of leadership. This is a pressing issue that arises before us not only to win a decisive battle for national liberation but also to build a new country after defeating the Japanese imperialists and thus liberating the homeland.
Our task does not come to an end with national liberation. We should build a people’s state in our liberated homeland and make it rich, mighty and independent. If we are ignorant of the revolutionary theories and the practical problems of state building, we shall never carry out this honourable task successfully. So the members of the KPRA should study more than ever before to raise their political and theoretical level.
All the commanding officers and soldiers should, first of all, study more profoundly the strategic and tactical lines of the Korean revolution and be well informed about Korea including its history and geography.
Also, they should raise their military technique to a higher level.
All of them are national treasures, who have gained rich fighting experience in the fierce flames of guerrilla warfare for more than ten years. But guerrilla warfare alone will not win the coming decisive battle against the t
For this purpose, it is essential for us to study and master the offensive and defensive tactics of a regular army and intensify tactical training, practising modern tactics such as amphibious and air-borne operations.
It is, of course, not an easy job to finish in a short span of time the political and theoretical studies and the military studies equivalent to the several years’ courses of study in a regular college and military academy.
However, we are not mere students going to school but revolutionary fig
The present commanding officers must be prepared to command tens of thousands of officers and soldiers in the several higher ranks in future and the present soldiers must be determined to become political or military cadres capable of commanding thousands of troops.
You comrades must study for the day when the dreams of the comrades-in-arms fallen in the sacred struggle for national liberation, so longing for the future homeland, the people’s country and the future society of socialism and communism, will have come true. If we study and train in a revolutionary and militant way with great stamina and mental attitude becoming revolutionaries, we can surely master any difficult theories and techniques in a short span of time.
The dark clouded homeland and people are anxiously waiting for us and the acute situation is urging us forward. Let us meet the great event of national liberation in full readiness by studying and training hard with all our efforts!