“The DPRK Copyright Law” legally guarantees the use of copyright product.
The DPRK considers it as a principle that copyright holder uses his or her products but organs, enterprises, groups and citizens can use them under permission of the copyright holder. In case they are unable to find out copyright holder, they can utilize his or her product after gaining consent of an organ concerned.
Product created in performing duties by a citizen who belongs to an organ, enterprise and group is used preferentially by the organ, enterprise and group.
Organs, enterprises, groups and citizens, that obtained permission or approval of its use, can transfer the right to use to a third person. In this case, they must receive agreement of copyright holder or an organ that approved the use.
Organs, enterprises, groups and citizens that use the products should pay relevant charge and the charge is fixed by price assessment organ.
The products can be used without permission of copyright holder.
They can be used without permission of copyright holder in case of reproducing or translating them for individual or family use and in case of reproducing for the purport of preserving, exhibiting, reading or lending the products in such places as library, archives or museum. The products can also be utilized without permission of copyright holder in case of reproducing or broadcasting for school education and state management or introducing the products through radio, newspaper and periodicals.