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Creativity, One of Man’s Essential Characteristics

Creativity is an attribute of social man who transforms the world and shapes his destiny purposefully and consciously.
Leader Kim Jong Il said.
“Creativity is an attribute of social man who transforms the world and shapes his destiny purposefully and consciously.”
Man is a being with creativity, a creative social being.
With creativity, man transforms nature and society into those more useful and beneficial for him by changing the old and creating the new.
Creativity is man’s attribute of creating everything necessary for him while approaching the surrounding world purposefully and consciously.
Man does not choose and create necessary environment subjectively. Man cognizes things and phenomena of the surrounding world and, on its basis, transforms them into those with new structure and quality. Creativity is an attribute of creating the necessary environment purposefully and consciously by cognizing and utilizing positively the objective laws.
Creativity is also man’s attribute of transforming nature and society into those more useful and beneficial for him by changing the old and creating the new.
Man transforms the old and outmoded ones among things and phenomena of the surrounding world to breeding new animals and plants, invent new machines and equipment and create new ideas, knowledge and social system. Man not only creates the new but changes things useless and unprofitable in nature and society into useful and beneficial ones, less useful and beneficial ones into those more useful and beneficial ones. It is an indispensable mode of man’s existence, mode of activity to transform the world and shape his own destiny purposefully and consciously by transforming nature and society into those more useful and beneficial for him while changing the old and creating the new.