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Policy Must Be Mapped Out Reflecting the Masses’ Demands and Aspiration and Make It Their Own

In order to carry out the revolution and construction by depending on the masses, one must map out a correct policy reflecting their demands and aspirations and make it their own.
Chairman Kim Jong Il said.
“If we are to successfully carry out the revolution and construction by depending on the masses, we should map out a correct policy reflecting their demands and aspirations and make it their own.”
It is necessary to map out lines and policies reflecting the masses’ demands and aspirations.
The masses of the people know the reality better than anybody else and have rich experience. Only when the will and demands of the broad masses are integrated and generalized, is it possible to map out the correct line and policy that conform to their aspirations and interests, win their hearty support and inspire them to the struggle. If one fails to reflect the masses’ will correctly, one makes a subjective mistake in guiding the revolution and construction. Then, it is impossible to enlist their creativity.
It is also necessary to spread the policy which was mapped out reflecting the will and aspirations into the masses so as to make it their own.
All lines and policies of the Party are implemented and realized by the masses. When they are aware of the validity of the Party policy and ways to implement it, they accept it as vital to them and display a high degree of revolutionary zeal and creative initiative for its implementation.
If line and policy are not understood by the masses, they have no meaning. The Party’s line and policy can exert its great power and prove effective when they are understood by the masses.
Enabling the popular masses to grasp the Party’s policy and make it their own is a matter of very importance. The officials, the commanding personnel of the revolution should devote their energy to arm the party members and working people with the Party’s line and policy so as to inspire the broad masses to their implementation.
The Workers’ Party of Korea that is loyal to the popular masses always goes deep among the people, grasps their demands and maps out policy reflecting them.
As all lines and policies of the WPK reflect the people’s will and desire, they become their own and are thoroughly applied in life.