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Comrade Kim Il Sung Is Eternal Symbol of International Communist Movement

Alexander Shapovalov
Association for the Study of the Juche Idea in Lvov, Ukraine

Human history is the history of struggle of the people for class and national liberation. Great men blaze the trail for the people’s struggle and lead them to the struggle for better future. Human history records many great men who rendered distinguished services in the great struggle for class and national liberation.

However, Comrade Kim Il Sung holds a distinguished position of all these great men. He launched uncompromising struggle against class and national oppression and, thus becoming an eternal symbol of the international communist movement.

Comrade Kim Il Sung’s services rendered in the theory and practice of communism are very valuable. Even today, the international working classes regard Comrade Kim Il Sung as the master of revolutionary struggle.

In the end of the last century, the international working class faced a tragic event, that is, dissolution of the Soviet Union.

The Soviet Union began to collapse in the mid-1950s. Revisionists took power in March 1953. This was recorded as the bitterest failure in the history of the working class. Development of the Soviet Union was decided by the revisionists who seized power.

The revisionists restored capitalism in the Soviet Union. They aimed to weaken the significance of experiences of proletarian dictatorship that was established for 30 years along with the name of I. V. Stalin.

The revisionists realized their aim. They fabricated and slandered I. V. Stalin’s authority and degraded society while collapsing the ideological basis of the Soviet Union and scheming to restore capitalism to the full.

Communists must check the revisionists’ distortions, draw lessons from the cause of the Soviet Union’s collapse and make continuous revolutionary struggle for the victory of communism in the whole world.

The great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung said.

“I want both of us to continue fighting devotedly, hand in hand, for the victory of communism throughout the world.

Comrade Kim Il Sung was confident that the working class would not lose spirits in the face of failure but win victory.

The international communist movement reveres Comrade Kim Il Sung as an eternal symbol of the proletarian revolution, as its leader.