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29/03/2020 - Online Meeting on the Juche Idea

    United Kingdom, Ireland, Brazil and Greece

    On the 29th March 2020 an online meeting was convened with members from the United Kingdom Korean Friendship Association, British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea, Juche Idea Study Group of Ireland, and the Brazilian Korean Friendship Association and Brazilian Centre for the study of Songun Politics.

    Members have released a statement on how the Juche Idea is an inspiration during the Covid-19 crisis. The statement reads that during the crisis the world is facing the Juche Idea is an inspiration with the following words “man’s decisive role in transforming the world and carving out his destiny, and that man plays a decisive role in transforming the world means that man is a key factor among those that affect the transformation and development of the world.” If the world adheres to the Juche Idea then the world as one can defeat Covid-19. The world can have the final victory as one against Covid-19 thanks to the Juche Idea.

    We offer our solidarity, warm regards and good health to all Comrades around the world. We offer our greatest regards to Respected Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un who is advancing the Juche Idea and providing an inspiration to us all.

    United Kingdom Korean Friendship Association

    British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea

    Juche Idea Study Group of Ireland

    Brazilian Korean Friendship Association

    Brazilian Centre for the study of Songun Politics