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Seminars Held in Bangladesh and UK on Occasion of 77th Anniversary of Korea’s Liberation

Seminars were held in Bangladesh and the UK from August 11 to 14, 2022 on the occasion of the 77th anniversary of Korea’s liberation.

Attended there were members of the Juche idea study groups and friendship organizations in Bangladesh and the UK.

Speakers said… Human history of war records many partisans famous for guerrilla warfare. But it is unprecedented in the world history of guerrilla warfare that the partisans in Korea defeated the formidable enemy under such severe conditions for the protracted period.

Praising that the august name of General Kim Il Sung who led the Korean partisans to victory shakes the world as well as Korea, they expressed their conviction that the DPRK people would work miraculous success without fail in the building of a powerful socialist country under the wise leadership of the respected H.E.Kim Jong Un,