The international Seminar on the Juche Idea for Anti-imperialism, Independence and Solidarity was successfully held in Pyongyang greeting the 68th anniversary of the founding of the DPRK amidst big expectations and concerns of the world progressive people who value peace and aspire after independence.
The portraits of great Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il in beaming smile were on the front wall of the venue of the seminar.
On the wall of the seminar venue were hung the slogans which read “Long live great Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism!” and “World People Defending Independence, Unite!”
The seminar was attended by Harish Gupta, the IIJI vice director-general, Kamakura Takao, the IIJI director, delegations and delegates of the Juche idea study organizations from several countries and regions of the world.
The seminar was attended also by Kim Ki Nam, vice-chairman of the central committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea, T
At the seminar Kamakura Takao, the IIJI director made an opening speech, which was followed by the congratulatory speech of president T
Warmly welcoming the delegations and delegates of the Juche idea study organizations who attended the seminar held in the DPRK, the land of Juche, from different continents with common aspiration and desire, they expressed assurance that the seminar would be a historic gathering in which they exchange successes and experiences ac
Harish Gupta, vice director-general of the IIJI made a report. He was followed by deliberations under such titles as “The Report to the 7th Congress of the WPK presented by respected Marshal Kim Jong Un is a great document for victory of the world revolution,” “Shining torch of the Juche idea is a lighthouse of the struggle for independence and self-sufficiency,” “Socialist Korea is the centre of anti-imperialism and independence and champion of the world peace,” “Let us uphold the anti-imperialist banner in the struggle for national independence” and other titles.
At the seminar deliberations were made by Kamakura Takao who is the IIJI director, Dermot Hudson who is chairman of the UK Society for the Study of Songun Politics, Nawasuren Bold who is chairman of the Mongolia Juche Study Centre, Shankar Baroti who is chairman of the Nepal Literary Forum for the Study of the Songun Politics, Vijendra Jain who is head of the delegation of the India Juche Idea Study Organization, Koschenko Dmitri who is chairman of the Russia Association for the Study of the Juche Idea, Michel Vivanko who is head of the Madrid Juche Idea Study Group in Spain, W. A. Duminduwardane who is director of the ARIJI and chairman of the Sri Lanka Society for the Study of Self-reliance, Vipin Gupta who is chairman of the Indian Committee for the Study of the Juche Philosophy, Manik Lama who is chairman of the Nepal Society for the Support of the Songun Politics, Marsiletti Andrea who is member of the Italian Organization for the Study of the Juche Idea.
The reporter and the speakers stressed that it is an occasion propelling more dynamically the study and dissemination of the Juche idea on a worldwide scale that the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un was elected the chairman of the Workers’ Party of Korea at the 7th congress of the WPK and clarified the ideas and theories for the consummation of the revolutionary cause of Juche and the realization of the cause of global independence.
The speakers said that the WPK enjoys the absolute support and trust of the Korean people since they have the outstanding leader in hig
They mentioned the tasks of the Juche idea study organizations and followers in deepening the theoretical study of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism and in accelerating the campaign for global independence with the DPRK as the centre in unity and solidarity under the banner of anti-imperialism and independence.
Concluding their speeches they shouted slogans “Long live Kim Jong Un, the outstanding leader of the great Workers’ Party of Korea!” and “Long live the great Juche idea!”
Letter to the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un was adopted amidst enthusiastic applause of the participants in the seminar.
Dr. Harish Gupta, the IIJI vice director-general made a closing address.
The seminar held on a grand scale amidst big expectations and concerns of the Juche idea followers of the world became a historic meeting that strengthened the international solidarity among all countries and peoples struggling for anti-imperialism and independence and accelerated the study and dissemination of the Juche idea.