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Seminar on Exploits Held in Romania

A seminar on President Kim Il Sung’s exploits was held at the office building of the Socialist Party of Romania under the sponsorship of the Romanian National Committee for Remembering the President on July 6, 2021, on the occasion of the 27th anniversary of the President’s demise.
Present there were over 10 members of the Romania-Korea Friendship Association, including its chairman and the chairman and vice-chairmen of the committee.
Speakers noted that the great President founded the great Juche idea for the first time in the history of human thought and, on its basis, led the revolution and construction in the whole period of his revolutionary activities, thus building the DPRK into a socialist state with the powerful defence industry and the foundation of developed independent national economy.
They stressed that the President’s great exploits performed in the Korean revolution and the cause of global independence would remain deeply in the hearts of the world progressive mankind along with the DPRK people.