An online seminar on President Kim Il Sung’s exploits was held in Kampala, Uganda on April 12, 2021 under the sponsorship of the Ugandan preparatory committee for celebrating the Day of the Sun on the occasion of the 109th birth anniversary of the President.
It was attended by more than 30 personages including the former chairman of the Uganda Land Commission, the chairman of the Ugandan National Committee for the Study of the Juche Idea, the vice-chairman of the national committee who doubles as the chairman of the Ugandan National Executive Committee of the Pan-African Movement, the chairman of the Uganda-DPRK Friendship Association, the Juche idea followers and members of the Pan-African Movement and the friendship association.
Expressing warm congratulations and solidarity to the Korean people on the occasion of the Day of the Sun, the participants said that His Excellency Kim Il Sung founded the Juche idea with great ideological and theoretical activities and published immortal classic works that gave clear-cut answers to many theoretical and practical problems in the struggle against imperialism and the accomplis
They also said that Comrade Kim Il Sung built the DPRK into a socialist country of Juche with untiring patriotic devotion and performed immortal exploits in the cause of global independence. They continued that the Korean people ac
They hoped that the traditional friendly and cooperative relations would develop between the DPRK and Uganda and wished Comrade Kim Jong Un, the General Secretary of the WPK, good health, wishing that the entire Korean people would celebrate significantly the auspicious Day of the Sun.