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Lecture was held in Tanzania on September 5, 2020 in commemoration of the 72nd founding anniversary of the DPRK under the co-sponsorship of the Tanzanian National Coordinating Committee of the Juche Idea Study Groups and Tanzania-DPRK Friendship Association.
The lecture was attended by the secretary general and members of the national coordinating committee and the friendship association. The secretary general said…Korean style socialism is invincible though it is not big. It is because the DPRK is led by the great leader. It is also because its entire people are single-heartedly united around the leader. It is also because the Korean people regard socialism as their life and soul. It is also because the DPRK considers self-reliance as the motive force for its progress.
Mentioning in detail about great exploits performed by Supreme Leader H.E. Kim Jong Un, he said… Supreme Leader H.E. Kim Jong Un who carries forward the cause of President Kim Il Sung and National Defence Commission Chairman Kim Jong Il is in the limelight as the most prominent statesman in the present times.