Ceremony of Paektusan Hero Youth Shock Brigade's Departure for Rehabilitation Sites in North Phyongan Province Takes Place

Pyongyang, August 7 (KCNA) -- Recorded in the sacred long course of the Korean revolution shining with indomitable and courageous advance and successive victories are the precious services and feats of the patriotic youth who have pressed ahead with the drive for the prosperity of the country, devoting their hot blood to the sacred cause of bringing earlier the bright future.

The ardent pioneering spirit and matchless charging spirit of the young vanguard of Juche Korea are further developing into the most active and revolutionary advance and heroic struggle to be praised forever along with the great era of Kim Jong Un.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, who always firmly believes and puts forward the young people as the advance group, wing and special detachment of the Workers’ Party of Korea, called the Paektusan Hero Youth Shock Brigade to the rehabilitation projects in the flood-hit areas in the city of Sinuiju and Uiju County of North Phyongan Province.

A large number of young vanguard members have volunteered for the project sites, vowing to create another legendary tale of miraculous and heroic feats through a courageous mass campaign, staking the dignity and honour of the Korean youth, in response to the call of Kim Jong Un, and they are burning with the patriotic zeal of the defenders of the country who voluntarily went to the front in the 1950s.

A departure ceremony of the Paektusan Hero Youth Shock Brigade to be dispatched to the rehabilitation campaign areas in North Phyongan Province took place in the capital city of Pyongyang on August 6.

Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the DPRK, attended the ceremony.

The plaza of the April 25 House of Culture, where the ardent young people gathered before departing for the forefront for the defence of the people, was filled with their deep reverence for Kim Jong Un, who is leading the young men and women of the country to add lustre to their honourable appellation of socialist patriotic youth, putting them forward in the vanguard of the struggle for the rosy future of a thriving power, and with their fervent will to live up to his trust.

When he arrived, all the participants burst into stormy cheers of “Hurrah!”

All the participants paid the highest tribute and glory to the great leader, who is bringing up the young people to be the most vigorous of the social forces that injects fresh strength into the country and creates new changes and to be the successors of the revolution who loyally support the cause of the WPK.

Kim Jong Un extended militant greetings to the young people, who were full of high enthusiasm to create another legendary tale of the heroic youth at the sites of gigantic rehabilitation campaign, which was launched in the northwestern region of the country, by inheriting the proud tradition of responding to the call of the Party with loyalty and patriotic practice.

Present there were Jo Yong Won, Kim Jae Ryong and Pak Thae Song, secretaries of the WPK Central Committee, Ju Chang Il and Kim Jong Sun, department directors of the WPK Central Committee, Mun Chol, chairman of the Central Committee of the youth league, officials of the youth league, commanding officers and members of the Paektusan Hero Youth Shock Brigade, and other young people and students.

The national anthem of the DPRK was played.

Kim Jong Un made a rallying speech for the young people.

Expressing his pleasure of seeing the young revolutionaries filled with the steel-strong spirit becoming the reliable reserves of the Party and the vanguard of the revolution and the pluck and mettle peculiar to the brave and ardent young people, Kim Jong Un highly appreciated the young people for responding to the calls of the country, the people and the revolution with enthusiastic volunteering and courageous attitude once again, adding:

In less than a week after a decision was made by the Party to dispatch the Paektusan Hero Youth Shock Brigade to the housing construction in the flood-hit areas in the city of Sinuiju and Uiju County and the subsequent appeal by the Central Committee of the youth league, nearly 300 000 young people have volunteered to go to the areas of recovery from flood damage. Such explosive volunteering enthusiasm can never be found in any other countries. I would like to speak to the world proudly that our country has such great young people.

Our young people have preserved and glorified their true appearance with enthusiasm, wisdom and practice by overcoming the obstacles on the road of their advance by dint of struggle. Such deeds of theirs originate from their strong faith to share their destiny with socialism forever and are a manifestation of their beautiful outlook on life, with which they find the honour and worth of their life in their ardent love for the country and dedication to the Party and the revolution.

It is the fact to be really proud of that a large contingent of such laudable and stalwart young people, who regard the hardship of the country and the people’s misfortune as their own pains, fervently support the determination of the Party Central Committee and deem it their revolutionary task, adds strength to the Party and the country, powerfully demonstrating the stout mettle of the Korean youth with their hearts burning with fervent enthusiasm, he said, and extended warm thanks to the commanding officers and members of the Paektusan Hero Youth Shock Brigade and all other young people and students.

He also offered his warm greetings to the parents, who sent their dear sons and daughters to the grand construction sites without hesitation, and to the organizations and officials of the Socialist Patriotic Youth League at all levels that have inspired many young people to volunteer through an earnest appeal.

He then continued:

The enterprising spirit and soaring mettle peculiar to the youth and their ever-growing vigour serve as an incomparably precious and powerful engine for our Party and people in attaining high goals and tiding over impending difficulties. The Paektusan Hero Youth Shock Brigade and the Socialist Patriotic Youth League have wonderfully built the edifices reflective of their merits every year for over ten years, proving through an indomitable struggle of their own choice how the spirit of loyalty and patriotism bequeathed by their forerunners is inherited.

The rehabilitation work, to be launched in the basin of the Amnok River, would be a gigantic construction campaign for completely renovating a part of our territory, which is equivalent to bringing about a transformation. I am convinced that the members and officials of the youth shock brigade and the youth league will fully display their revolutionary traits and matchless creative abilities as befitting the members of a vanguard unit for socialist construction and a special detachment dispatched by the Party.

After indicating the militant tasks they should fulfill, Kim Jong Un went on:

The enterprising spirit and courage of the youth will add vitality and dynamism to our society, their sweats and exploits will increase the wealth of our country and people and their strength and courage will further accelerate the advance of our revolution. Their youthful vigour and burning enthusiasm that will sweep the new theatre of creation, their indomitable courage and bold offensive that know no hesitation in the face of difficulties, and their impeccable sense of responsibility and pure conscience that deserve people’s appreciation will soon shine as the heroic youth’s typical characteristics representing the times.

The dignity and prestige of our Party will be everlasting as an ever-victorious banner and the lifeline of the Korean revolution will be firmly carried forward for all ages as the Party is faithfully supported by the revolutionary and patriotic youth organization and young people that have potential for attaining any demanding goals without fail with matchless bravery for tackling any trials and hardship.

Kim Jong Un, after earnestly requesting that the young volunteers should return home in good health with the pride of having performed great feats to be etched in history, true to the expectations of their parents, siblings, teachers, organizations and comrades, fervently appealed to them to advance toward victory, demonstrating the dignity, mettle and courage of the honourable Korean youth.

All the participants raised stormy cheers, filled with a steel-strong will to add lustre to the patriotic fighting spirit, heroism and precious honour of the young vanguard with signal achievements by building a wonderland of happiness to be envied by the world and another proud monument to the youth without fail in the disaster-stricken areas through an indefatigable struggle in hearty response to the call and expectations of the Party and the revolution.

Ryu Chol Jin, commander of the Paektusan Hero Youth Shock Brigade, and Sung Hyok, commander of a regiment of the High-Speed Youth Shock Brigade, made oath-taking speeches.

The speakers said that the respected fatherly Marshal Kim Jong Un bestowed on the Paektusan Hero Youth Shock Brigade such great trust and honour as putting it forward in the vanguard of the worthwhile struggle for removing the misfortune of the disaster-stricken people as early as possible.

They referred to the deep loving care shown by Kim Jong Un, who unfolded a grand plan for providing the people with a foundation for a happier life.

They expressed their determination to complete all structures as monumental edifices to be proud of even in the distant future and present them to the Party and the people by displaying utmost sincerity and patriotism, mindful of Kim Jong Un’s ardent call for courageously turning out again to tide over the crisis and performing miraculous successes.

A letter of pledge to Kim Jong Un was read out.

All the commanding officers and members of the Paektusan Hero Youth Shock Brigade made a solemn pledge to successfully build the people’s houses to be a new standard and model of regional rejuvenation, fully reflective of the appearance of an ever-developing highly civilized, prosperous and powerful socialist nation, in the flood-stricken areas according to the timetable set by the Party, by dint of the indomitable heroic youth spirit, collective innovation and unequalled charge they displayed in the Paektu area and in the capital city construction.

Kim Jong Un received a report from the chairman of the Central Committee of the Socialist Patriotic Youth League on the departure of the shock brigade.

There took place a march-past of the members of the Paektusan Hero Youth Shock Brigade on departure.

The youth vanguard, filled with the single mind to demonstrate once again to the whole world the courage and pluck of doing without fail what the Party is determined to do, took dynamic steps toward new sites of creation.

They were filled with the unshakable faith and resolve to translate the grand plan of the Party Central Committee into a brilliant reality with the patriotic zeal, indefatigable will, inexhaustible strength and spirit of indomitable offensive peculiar to the Korean youth.

Kim Jong Un warmly waved his hands for long toward the marching ranks of the trustworthy and praiseworthy main unit of the youth representing the rosy future of the country.

The departure ceremony constituted a great prelude to the dynamic advance of the young socialist builders, who will write with dignity another page of gigantic struggle and heroic feats to be specially recorded in the history of the glorious movement of the Korean youth, as befitting the young vanguard in the great era of Kim Jong Un.