Memorial Committees Formed and Seminar Held in Many Countries on Occasion of 12th Anniversary of Kim Jong Il’s Demise

On the occasion of the 12th anniversary of Chairman Kim Jong Il’s demise, memorial committees were formed in Hungary, Denmark and Sweden on November 25 and in Russia on November 29, 2023, under the auspices of political parties, organizations of friendship with the DPRK people and the Juche idea study groups in relevant countries.

Inaugural meetings elected chairmen and co-chairmen, formed memorial committees and fixed the memorial period. They also concluded to send messages to the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un and hold various functions including memorial meeting praising Kim Jong Il’s revolutionary life and immortal exploits, book and photo exhibition, film show and publication of memorial articles, etc.

On November 24, 2023, the Group for the Study of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism in Vienna, Austria held a seminar on Kim Jong Il’s immortal exploits on the occasion of the 12th anniversary of Chairman Kim Jong Il’s demise.

Speakers noted that Kim Jong Il frustrated the desperate stifling of the imperialist allied forces and firmly safeguarded dignity and sovereignty of the DPRK and remarkably enhanced its international position and influence. They continued… Kim Jong Il thoroughly built up the political and military might of the country and laid solid foundations for the economic construction and the improvement of the people’s livelihood. The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un who carries forward Kim Jong Il’s cause as it is, put forward huge tasks for attaining state prosperity and development and the people’s ideals and ushers in a golden age in all fields of state building through his wise leadership.