Celebration Gatherings Held in Many Countries

On the occasion of the 59th anniversary of Chairman Kim Jong Il’s start of work at the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea, there held a celebration gathering and a tea party in Sweden, a celebration gathering and a film show in Finland and a celebration gathering, an interview, photo and book exhibition and a film show in Italy, from June 16 to 17, 2023.

They were participated by personages from political parties and social organizations and members of organizations of friendship and solidarity with the DPRK and Juche idea study groups in those countries. Speeches were made.

Speakers said… Chairman Kim Jong Il is a great master of ideology and theory who developed and enriched the Juche idea authored by President Kim Il Sung and formulated it as Kimilsungism. The WPK held fast to the ideology as the main and relied on great revolutionary enthusiasm and creative initiative of the people under the leadership of Kim Jong Il, thus pushing ahead vigorously with the historic cause of modeling the whole society on the Juche idea. We are sure that the WPK will win bigger victory and glory in the future under the outstanding leadership of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un. We express full support and solidarity to the WPK and the DPRK people in their just struggle and cause.

After the gatherings the participants saw exhibited photos showing revolutionary activities of Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il and Kim Jong Un, their immortal classic works, photos and books showing the DPRK people’s struggle and happiness of its children as well as a video.