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Celebration Meetings, Seminars, Photo and Film Shows Held in Many Countries to Celebrate Day of Shining Star

Celebration meetings, seminars, photo and film shows were held in Austria, Switzerland, Thailand, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Peru, Mongolia, Russia, Ethiopia, Germany, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Mexico in the period between February 11 and 14, 2023 to mark the 81st birth anniversary of Chairman Kim Jong Il.

Displayed at the venues were portraits of smiling President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il and photos showing their revolutionary activities. Floral baskets and bouquets were presented by the participants before them.

Present there were figures of political parties and public organizations, members of friendship and solidarity organizations, the Juche idea study groups and preparatory committees in each country.

The speakers said…

On the occasion of the 81st birth anniversary of H.E. Kim Jong Il, we look back upon his noble revolutionary life and immortal exploits with deep emotion. H.E. Kim Jong Il is a great leader of the revolution who devoted his all to successfully carrying forward and accomplishing the revolutionary cause of Juche pioneered by President Kim Il Sung, a great statesman who defended sovereignty of the country and developed the DPRK into a modern socialist state in the most difficult days of the Arduous March and a benevolent father of the people who devoted his all to the people till the last moment of his life. H.E. Kim Jong Un who successfully carries forward the cause of H.E. Kim Jong Il built the Korean People’s Army into an invincible army to reliably guarantee the security of the country. We express firm belief that the DPRK people will register greater successes in building a powerful socialist country under his wise leadership.

Congratulatory messages to the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un were adopted at the events held in Thailand, Mongolia, Ethiopia, Denmark, Russia and Sweden amid the enthusiastic applause of the participants.

At the end of the events the participants looked round photos on display and saw multimedia presentations and films.