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Memorial Committees Formed in Several Countries

On the occasion of the 11th anniversary of Chairman Kim Jong Il’s demise, memorial committees were formed in Uganda, Belarus, Switzerland, Kyrgyzstan, the UK, Finland and Norway in the period from November 8 to 18, 2022.

Many political parties and public organizations, the Juche idea study groups and figures of all circles attended the meetings of forming the memorial committees.

The meetings elected their chairmen and decided memorial periods.

Speakers at the meetings praised highly that Chairman Kim Jong Il was an ideological and theoretical master who faithfully carried forward President Kim Il Sung’s immortal revolutionary cause and enriched a treasure house of the Juche idea authored by the President, and a benevolent father of the people who, cherishing the idea The people are my God as his lifelong motto, devoted his all to the people’s happiness and wellbeing.

The memorial committees decided to widely propagate Chairman Kim Jong Il’s immortal exploits through newspapers, websites and other mass media and hold colorful political and cultural events including memorial meeting, seminar and film show.