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Lecture and Seminar on Exploits Held in Italy

 A lecture and a seminar on President Kim Il Sung’s exploits were held on July 6, 2021, under the joint auspices of the Movement for Peace and Socialism of Italy, the Group of Dialectical Materialists of Italy (GAMADI) and the Italian Committee for the Study of Songun Idea for Independence and Sovereignty, on the occasion of the 27th anniversary of the President’s demise.
Present there were over 30 figures including the general secretary of the movement and the chairmen of the group and the committee.
First, the general secretary of the Movement for Peace and Socialism of Italy gave a lecture on the immortal revolutionary exploits of the President performed in the cause of the global independence and the development of the relations between the DPRK and Italy.
The speakers at the seminar explained that the DPRK could repulse the imperialists’ constant aggressive machinations, threat and economic blockade, defend the supreme interests and dignity of the people and register great successes in all fields of social life including politics, the economy and culture thanks to the leadership of the distinguished leader. They stressed that the President would be always alive forever in the hearts of mankind as the great thinker and theoretician, great politician, great military strategist and the greatest of all the great.
Expressing their confidence that the DPRK people would make great achievements in safeguarding sovereignty of the country and in the efforts for implementing the 5-year plan for the national economic development under the wise leadership of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, they called upon to further activate the introduction of and support and solidarity activities to the DPRK people’s struggle and the just stand for independence against imperialism, and the building of a powerful socialist country, through TV and internet.