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National Seminar Held in DR Congo

A national seminar was held under the sponsorship of the National Committee for the Study of the Juche Idea of DR Congo on July 9, 2021, on the occasion of the 27th anniversary of demise of President Kim Il Sung.
It was attended by over 50 persons including the chairman, coordinator and the reporter of the committee, chiefs and members of the study groups and the researchers and students of the National University of Education.
Stressing that the greatest exploits performed by the President before the Korean people and the world progressive mankind is that he founded the Juche idea and embodied it in the Korean revolution and thus built an independent socialist Korea, the speakers noted that the great idea served as the great banner of the liberation struggle in colonial countries in the whole world, the trend of thought of the progressive mankind aspiring after the independence.
They also stressed that they must follow the Juche idea in order to turn the DR Congo into the cradle of happiness of the people, adding that the great vitality of the Juche idea has been proved by the realities in the DPRK.
After the seminar, the participants looked round the books and a pictorial “Korea”, the bulletins and booklets of the committee and other booklets explaining the principles of the Juche idea on display. They were all distributed to the participants.