A memorial meeting, photo and film shows were held in Copenhagen under the sponsorship of Denmark-DPRK Friendship Association on July 6, 2021, on the occasion of the 27th anniversary of demise of President Kim Il Sung.
Participated at the meeting were 20 members of the association, including the international secretary of the Communist Party of Denmark and the chairman of the association.
The speakers noted that the President, holding high the banner of socialism, assisted materially and morally the people in those countries fighting against imperialism, gave great encouragement to their struggle and devoted his all to the defence and development of socialism. They continued that the immortal exploits performed by the President in accomplishing the human cause of independence would remain forever with the ever-advancing cause of independence.
They stressed that, in the future, too, they would extend absolute support and encouragement to the just struggle of the DPRK people wisely led by the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un.
A message to Kim Jong Un was adopted at the meeting.
The participants saw pictures and video presentations showing the President’s noble life and revolutionary exploits, carried on internet.