-Seminar was held in UK on August 15, 2020 under the sponsorship of the British Association for the Study of Songun Politics on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of Korea’s liberation.
The seminar was attended by more than 10 members of the British Association for the Study of Songun Politics, the British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea, the Korean Friendship Association UK and the Ireland Group for the Study of the Juche Idea.
Speakers highly praised the immortal exploits ac
They emphasized… There has been flood damage recently in the DPRK, but it can be possibly overcome as long as it has the single-hearted unity of the leader, the Party and the masses. We extend full support and encouragement to the struggle of the Korean people.
-Commemorative seminar was held in UK on September 6, 2020 under the sponsorship of the British Association for the Study of Songun Politics on the occasion of the 72nd founding anniversary of the DPRK.
The seminar was attended by more than 10 members of the British Association for the Study of Songun Politics and the Ireland Group for the Study of the Juche Idea. The seminar was also attended by members of Sweden- and Brazil-Korea Friendship Associations as observers.
Speakers said… Today the DPRK becomes one of a few countries in the world without COVID-19 thanks to wise measures of the WPK and the government of the Republic, led by Marshal Kim Jong Un. The Republic is now braving through sanctions of the imperialist hostile forces and advancing vigorously holding aloft the banner of Juche and of self-development.
Emphasizing that the DPRK is an independent state, they said… We recollect that we participated in the events held in commemoration of the 70th founding anniversary of the DPRK and appreciated the Grand Mass Gymnastics and Artistic Performance The Glorious Country in the DPRK.