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Chief of Vitebsk Juche Pedagogy Association of Belarus Paid Congratulatory Visit to DPRK Embassy

Zebyatikh, chief of the Vitebsk Juche Pedagogy Association of Belarus, paid a congratulatory visit to the DPRK embassy in Belarus on July 30 on the occasion of the 71st anniversary of the victory in the Fatherland Liberation War.

He presented flowers before the portraits of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il in the embassy.

Zebyatikh told the members of the embassy.

“The exploits of President Kim Il Sung who defeated US imperialism will be immortal. The DPRK people not only defended freedom and independence of the fatherland but also greatly promoted the struggle for national liberation of the world oppressed nations under his leadership.

Today the DPRK people stand in the van of the struggle of the world people for freedom and socialism under the leadership of Comrade Kim Jong Un, the general secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea.

The DPRK people achieve startling successes in all fields of socialist construction amid sanctions and blockades of the imperialists and the world progressive people are very much astonished by that.”