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Reading Session Held in Mexico

The Mexican Committee for the Study of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism held a reading session on the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un’s immortal classic work Let KCU Members Become True Sons and Daughters, Young Revolutionaries, of the Socialist Country on May 31, 2024 on the occasion of the founding anniversary of the Korean Children’s Union.

Present there were the political figures and members of the Juche idea study group. Speaker said that Kim Jong Un, having set it in his early years as an important issue related to the future of the revolution to bring up the younger generation well, made tireless efforts to bring up the KCU members into pillars who would shoulder the future of the DPRK. He referred to the fact that the KCU members enjoy boundlessly happy life thanks to Kim Jong Un’s love for the future.

They watched videos showing the happiness of the DPRK children.