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Revolutionary Battle Site in Paektusan Area

    The Revolutionary Battle Site in the Paektusan Area has the significant remains of revolutionary activities of President Kim Il Sung who organized and led to victory the overall Korean revolution with the anti-Japanese armed struggle as the main from the second half of the 1930s to the first half of the 1940s.

    In the battle site, there is the Paektusan Secret Camp built in the Sobaeksu Valley by President Kim Il Sung’s plan and guidance.

    The Paektusan Secret Camp served as a strategic stronghold for the Korean revolution and leadership centre where the headquarters of the Korean revolution was located to lead the overall Korean revolution. Preserved there are the precious revolutionary relics and remains including a site of the tent for the headquarters, sites of log cabins for the guards, sewing cabin, secretary’s office, check post and sites of log cabins for guerillas and scores of campfire sites and numerous slogan-bearing trees.

    In particular, the native home in which leader Kim Jong Il was born and a log cabin for the headquarters in which the President organized and led the overall Korean revolution are kept in the Paektusan Secret Camp in original state.

    The Paektusan area includes not only auxiliary secret camps of Paektusan Secret Camp such as the Sajabong Secret Camp, the Komsan Secret Camp and the Sonosan Secret Camp but also the Kanbaeksan Secret Camp, the Soyonjibong Secret Camp and the Mudubong Secret Camp of different missions.