The Workers’ Party of Korea decided to provide a new living theatre where young people can fully display again the ardent patriotic zeal in putting spurs to the comprehensive development of socialist construction.
The WPK entrusted to the Socialist Patriotic Youth League and the Paektusan Hero Youth Shock Brigade an important project to build more than 4 000 flats at the northern gateway to Pyongyang, the capital city of the DPRK, thus forming a peculiar street in addition to the 2023 project to build 10 000 flats in Pyongyang.
On February 25, 2023 when he made a speech at the groundbreaking ceremony for a new street in the Sopho area of Pyongyang, the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un said that the Party’s intention was to help the young people to demonstrate more powerfully at the grand construction site in the capital city the heroic spirit and patriotic devotion unique to the Korean youth and to prepare them better as successors to the revolution, the reserves of the Workers’ Party and able builders of socialism.